Dersingham VA Primary and Nursery School

Forest Schools

Forest School is the name for an approach to educating children in the outdoors environment on a regular basis. Work will support the main curriculum (particularly literacy, science, maths and the arts) and will have a strong emphasis on raising all children’s self-esteem and independence.  Sequentially, overcoming perceived failure, understanding others and building resilience.

The children will be focusing on exploring the Forest School Principles of being: 

 equal, unique and valuable 

 competent to explore & discover 

 entitled to experience appropriate risk and challenge 

 entitled to choose, and to initiate and drive their own learning and development 

 entitled to experience regular success

  entitled to develop positive relationships with themselves and other people

  entitled to develop a strong, positive relationship with their natural world


An integral part of the Forest Schools experience is that children will experience the outdoors in all weathers. With the exception of very high winds and thunder storms, please assume that your child will be outside when they take part in Forest Schools, even if it is for a shortened session.


Children should be dressed for the outdoors in suitable clothing for wet or hot weather. Long trousers and sleeves are compulsory and they may get muddy and dirty, so old clothing is advised. Footwear should be comfortable and appropriate for bad weather. Waterproofs are essential even in the Summer. In cold weather it would be great if you could make sure they have plenty of layers, hats and gloves and a waterproof coat. In cold wet weather please pack a spare pair of socks.